I Would Be Lying If I Said I Wasn't Extremely Proud Of These Frat Bros For Moving This Massive Rock Outside Of Their House

Listen folks- I know the frat bros out there usually get a bad rap and I'm definitely not a frat guy as I was a GDI (goddamn independent) during my few semesters in college, though If we're being completely honest this whole minute video was beautifully done. The cuts from the kids down on the front lines trying to move the rock combined with the shots from afar really got the viewer invested into these guys moving this fucking dumb ass rock. 

And don't even get me started on how amazing it was to see that Van Wilder wannabe stroll out just a few seconds in with his robe like his Chazz Reinhold to make his attempt at the rock. You just KNOW he was going in there so confident that he was gonna push this rock down the street. Amazing stuff. Then you seriously have to give them credit for putting their brains together and figuring out a way to move that damn rock. They even used a rope to help the moving! Fucking McGyver's over here. I wish them luck on their future endeavors.

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