A Sincere Congrats To UNC For Delivering The Single Worst Pass You'll Ever See In A Basketball Game. It's Breathtaking.

Whenever people ask me why I prefer college basketball it's not going to be because of the pageantry of the sport. It's for sure not because of better talent. It's because of shit like this. I've been cackling out loud for a solid 3 minutes watching this on replay. To be fair, the guy was open. Maybe he wanted to do something really cool and throw an off the backboard alley-oop to seal it. That thing nearly landed about 32 rows up while simultaneously almost breaking the backboard. In overtime! In one of the weirdest games I can remember. It's been marred by refs, but we had a 25-point comeback. A bunch of hilariously bad plays. A bunch of big time shots. And then this pass. 

Credit to UNC though. May not be able to inbound the ball and break a press but they came up with this pass. Keep opponents on their toes.  

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