Feel Well Wednesday: A News Reporter's Mom Interrupted Her Son's Live Shot Just To Say Hi

We interrupt the minute-by-minute updates of World War III potentially breaking out to remind you that moms are the fucking best. I have absolutely no problem admitting that as a dad since becoming a father has only hammered home that the moms are the glue that hold the family together as well as the paper, and the crayons. Dads are the scissors that make the necessary cuts and kids are the glitter that makes everything great while also making a complete mess of everything. But moms are the absolute foundation of the family in this kinda terrible arts & crafts metaphor. 

Yeah they may embarrass the everliving shit out of you as you are trying to get some work done. But you can't tell me that Myles would've had the manners to introduce Deangelo if he hadn't been raised right by Sandi, who was proud as punch of him in this wholesome ass video.

For more parental content from a couple of dads that cannot hold a candle to Sandi, check out this week's Podfathers where we talk Girl Scout Cookies, if all dumpsters should be public domain, and hold our first ever Parents Court to rule on a bunch of stories like a husband upgrading to business class on a 12 hour flight while leaving his wife in coach, a dad that disconnected the internet from an entire town to get his kids off their tablets, LeBron saying he'll play the last year of his career with Bronny, a husband and wife living in separate New York apartments to help their marriage, and more.

Also available on the Barstool Grown Up YouTube!

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