I Want YOU To Help Buy New Bulletproof Vests For Chicago Police Officers


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Last night, had a convo with my pal David Hochberg of mortgage lender Homeside Financial. If you're in Chicago, there's a decent or better chance you've heard his name or listened to his show on WGN 720 on Saturday mornings. I'm actually about to cross the finish line on buying my first condo through David and his team, and if you're looking to start the process yourself or get info on how to start the process, there's no better person on earth. I was completely ignorant on the process and he's walked me through it and made it as stress free as possible for me.

But yesterday's convo wasn't about radon tests or the next person I gotta cut a check to. It was about a fundraiser for the Chicago Police Department where all proceeds go to buying new Kevlar vests for those in Chicago's police force that need them. 

Now off the bat, I was like "uhhh... why wouldn't CPD issue their officers vests...?" and that's not how it works. 

From what I understand, THIS is how it works:

- each new officer is granted an $1800 allowance after they graduate from The Academy
- that $1800 is around $1200 after taxes
- this is $1200 they have to purchase their uniforms, gun, ammo, jackets, shoes, and yes, their bulletproof vests

Yeah no shot does $1200 cover all of that. I'm no gun expert but I would imagine a new .9MM is a $1000 bare minimum and I've seen enough action movies where I know a high quality kevlar vest is also expensive, around $500, so basically that $1200 ain't covering shit. 

That's where I, WSD, and you, the Stoolie comes in. Lots of Chicago cops need your help. It'll be the season of giving 10 months from now or so, so get a head start on it by tossing $10, $20, $100, whatever you can to Dave Hochberg's fundraiser and help a cop buy a new vest. From their website:

A vest isn’t bulletproof forever. It wears out. It breaks down. It needs to be replaced every 5 years. And just one bullet permanently damages a vest, making it unusable. Chicago police officers are responsible for replacing their own vests. At $500 or more per vest, in addition to other equipment and uniform expenses, the costs can quickly add up. That’s why we need your help. Your donation ensures that every officer out there protecting you is protected. To date the CPMF has distributed over 11,000 replacement vests to Chicago Police Officers.  Thank you for protecting those who protect us!

Every cent you donate is tax deductible. Do it big for those in blue. Any level of donation $5, $10, $50 or higher all adds up and gets us the charity that much closer to reaching their goal of 200K for we 400 new vests for officers throughout the city. The Chicago police memorial foundation provides for wounded and fallen officers family who have made the ultimate sacrifice dying protecting us.  Every penny that is collected via this vest fundraiser enables the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation to re-allocate the vest money to care for the previously mentioned fallen officers and their families.  

Let's do it big!!!


PS - here's a funny COPS montage

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