Adele Showed Up To The Brit Awards With A Big Honking Ring That Sure Looks A Lot Like An Engagement Ring

YOWZA. You can see that thing from space. I know a ton of celebrities wear jewelry by designers for events like this, but after Adele's relationship with Rick Paul has been in the news a lot lately (fighting on the phone! on the rocks! but so in love!) it kind of makes you wonder if we've got the real thing here. Adele's latest album is a LOT about her divorce, as she's stated many times. It would be fitting to wrap it all up in a nice bow with a new mans, new ring, and a new life. 

Whatever the case, I hope she's happy, and I hope it inspires a whole new album full of love. On the other hand, "sad Adele" is soooo good...maybe she can pretend to be sad for a little longer? For all the weepy bitches in the back? 

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