This Metaverse Rave Looks Like The Least Possible Fun You Could Ever Have

Now obviously, this sucks complete and utter shit. Just the least fun time I've ever seen. Especially since we've seen virtual concerts look much better and immersive than this in 'Fortnite.' I admit up front, I am an old who will hold out as long as possible against the metaverse. There is no tangible difference between me and someone who said the internet was "just a fad" in the early '90s. The metaverse is as inevitable as the Sun rising in the morning because the powers at be want it to be. From where I'm sitting it doesn't appear we have much say in the matter. Because the only people I've ever seen even remotely interested in shit like this is people with pictures of $100,000 apes as their profile picture.
I'm sure it will get better. It has to, I've already seen it better years ago. But calling this a "rave" is where I'll forever draw a line. They invent digital molly that gets gassed in through your Oculus then I'll consider changing my position. But until the threat of an overdose is on the table I refuse to call it a rave. This is a Nintendo Wii game loading room. This is where you run around for 60 seconds before you drop in on Call of Duty. Only much less fun.
Also, since we're on the topic of the metaverse and web3, I'm proclaiming here and now that I'm all in on the dark metaverse and dark web3. I missed the boat big time on Silk Road and I've never forgiven myself. So many dry nights where every plug in my phone had yet to re-up and my dumbass just went to bed sober like an asshole when all I had to do was use my computer. It's a shame I'll never forgive myself for. So if you or any of your pals are already selling metaverse trench coats to look like seedy characters in the corners of these "raves" selling fake Rolexes and various intoxicants, please contact me directly so I don't miss the boat this time around as well.