This Dude's Ability To Utterly Delete A Donut Has Me Questioning Physics

I love when physics is defined no matter who does it. It could be something breaking the sound barrier. It could be aliens hanging out on UFO's off the pacific coast. It could be the ball magically going under Buckner's glove. Or it could be some townie in a parking lot DESTROYING a Dunkin' frosted donut & I personally think an all caps destroying does that an injustice. When I say destroy I'm assuming this fella takes 3-4 bites in a few seconds and gets it down after a gulp or two.

NOPE! Not this guy. Not this monster. You think this guy does bites like a normie? What is he the cookie monster? He strictly goes straight down the gullet with his frosted donuts so much so to the point that I'm fairly convinced the video is fake. I mean quite literally where does the donut? Into the abyss...obviously. And you of course would be remised to not mention that absurd natural sound effect when he's taking his chomp. Absolutely amazing.

That video is precisely why you can never underestimate the power of a bored group of townies in a parking lot while they all have their phones out. Need more eating videos from this guy!

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