I Hate To Say This, But White Sox Dave Was Right

WSD and I have been arguing about Teddy Bridgewater for roughly 20 months. That is a LONG time to talk about a player on his 5th team since being drafted 2014. I've always liked Teddy. A game manager who is a decent athlete and can put a team with a solid defense and good surrounding pieces in a position to win consistently. I said that he was better than Mitch Trubisky which was how this fight started in March 2020. I said he was a "good" QB. Meaning a guy you can feel good about starting. Not an elite franchise guy, but a good quarterback. WSD vehemently objected. He pointed strictly to numbers. I always said that there is more to playing QB than arm talent, stats, and being an athlete. Which is a paraphrased quote I stole from Tom Brady. 

And today...I feel like an idiot. I concede. WSD was right. Teddy Bridgewater SUCKS. The effort on this play was atrocious 

I feel personally offended and lied to. We've heard about how loved Teddy is by everyone everywhere he goes. Coaches and teammates praising his leadership going all the way back to Louisville. I bought in. I believed. I looked at a guy who just routinely covers every single spread regardless of which team he is on. A guy who wins. A guy who is accurate even though he wears two gloves probably because he has small hands which aren't proportional at all to his massive massive dong. And today I have to renounce my position as the leader of the Bridgewater Brigade. A brigade that might've had just me in the ranks to begin with. Now...my watch has ended because he watched an Eagles DB scoop and score to end his season. I am embarrassed that I was duped. I am embarrassed that I lost an argument to WSD. Bridgewater is not a guy you win with and I don't know how anyone could say otherwise after watching that play. I am disgusted. Credit to me for being honest. #burrata 

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