Very Good Take Haver Charles Barkley Says It's Time For The Sixers To Kick Ben Simmons' Ass

Live look at what's waiting for Ben Simmons the next time he shows up to practice but refuses to do any drills:

I hope people realize how lucky we are to have guys like Chuck and Shaq on TV every week. I hope people realize how lucky we are to have guys who will say exactly what's on their mind and not worry about just saying some dumb shit for ratings and/or clout. Looking at you, Emmanuel Acho. 

Guys who aren't just feeding off of what team sources are telling them. Guys who aren't just feeding off of what player/agent sources are telling them. Guys who just see a situation going on and tell you exactly what needs to be done about it. The Sixers are now at a point where they don't need to kiss Ben's ass anymore because 1) it's clearly not working and 2) they don't need him. Because they already have a replacement PG. 

And like Chuck said, if you're not going to kiss someone's ass then it's time to kick it. Bringing back a little good ol' fashion bullying. He's been babied his entire career. Maybe a little tough love and a quick smack upside the head from Embiid could do him wonders the way it worked for Tyrese. 

But if the Sixers still desperately want to avoid choosing violence, then I suppose they could just let Boston have him for the small price of Jaylen Brown. I know Daryl Morey and the Sixers desperately want to get premium value in return for Simmons in a trade, but at this point you might as well just take whatever you can get. If that means Jaylen Brown, then so be it. I suppose that'll have to work. 


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