Peak MACtion: Bowling Green's Head Coach Got Straight Up Ejected In The 3rd Quarter After Losing His Shit On The Refs

I ... I don't think I've ever seen this before. Sure in basketball, all the time. But I don't see Teddy Valentine out there. I don't see John Higgins blowing another call. Baseball? Absolutely. But in college football? I can't recall seeing a head coach getting ejected for two unsportsmanlike conduct calls. That said, couldn't have been more perfect. Well, except one way. This needed to happen on Tuesday night MACtion. A Saturday noon slate? Sure. It had to be the MAC though. It couldn't be any other conference. The first coaching ejection for two unsportsmanlike conduct calls had to be in the MAC or Nick Saban. If we're breaking records, gotta throw Saban out anyways. I know I shouldn't be watching this game, but I am. The announcers were stunned. They showed Scott Loeffler losing his mind during the commercial break, but it wasn't anything egregious. Not when he got an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty a few plays earlier. Nothing but respect for him though for potentially being the first coach to get ejected with this rule. 

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