Apparently James Franklin Just Learned That Penn State Is Playing Ohio State This Weekend And It Won't Be At "The Big House"

Eleven Warriors - When asked if he was committed to being Penn State's head coach next year, Franklin did what he could to dodge the question and indicate that he was focused on the moment and the opponent at hand.

... except he got the opponent wrong.

"My focus is completely on Illinois, and this team, and this program," Franklin said during his press conference. "I think I've shown over my 8 years my commitment to this university and this community. And that's kind of my statement."

Franklin referenced Illinois multiple times in his press conference, despite the obvious fact that the Nittany Lions are playing Ohio State in five days. To make matters worse, Franklin slipped again, calling Ohio Stadium "The Big House."

I'm trying to figure out what's more embarrassing for James Franklin: 

A. Being a Fraud 

B. Getting mollwhopped by a University of Illinois team that had less than 70 yards passing

C. Losing in 9 overtimes 

D. Not having a CLUE about playing Ohio State this weekend at The Big House

Truth be told all of it is pretty bad for anyone running Penn State. I remember not too long ago everyone at PSU was getting their dick sucked about the Auburn white out game. People were talking about James Franklin being too good for the Big Ten and taking over USC and being the best chance of bring back the Trojans, etc. And along the way the Nittany Lions completely overlooked Bret Bielema and the University of Illinois Fighting Illini. 

Obviously the upset was glorious but nobody saw this coming. This midweek press conference meltdown is arguably a better victory. We didn't just beat James Franklin and Penn State University. We fucking broke this dude into a million pieces. Calling OSU the Big House is grounds for expulsion from a student section much less the head coaching position. If James Franklin never recovers then remember this point in history. Illinois wore white jerseys into Happy Valley and absolutely murdered his future. I'm not sorry for not being sorry. 

What a roller coaster for Illinois the last couple days. No exaggeration this could very easily be a 6-2 year vs. a 3-5 season. UTSA, Purdue, Maryland were all extremely winnable games. The boys still have a long way to go but credit where it's due. Penn State is dead. Brett Bielema killed em. 

Thought he'd cry.

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