Steve-O Just Revealed That Every Time The Wildboyz Said They Were Filming With Lions In Africa They Were Actually Faking It






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I'm not gonna lie…I feel cheated. Here I am going through life thinking that Steve-O and Pontius were actually in the wild, actually risking life and limb purely for the entertainment of the people. Maybe I was just young and naive, but I thought that every time they went to Africa they are actually in Africa. Turns out they were just in sunny old Hollywood, CA at a place called Hollywood Animals. (Yes, I hyperlinked the website incase you need a big cat for your next family function.) Regardless, I can't say that I'm surprised. It's not like the scenes suffered either. Remember when they did a "meat hammock" in "Kenya?"




Or how about the time they dressed up in a two-man zebra suit only to get attacked by a bunch of hungry lions…

Those were real enough for me. Same goes for when they shot a Nintendo DS commercial with an entire pride…

The point I'm trying to make is that even though they didn't "film with wild lions", they filmed with wild lions. They were also most likely shifted the entire time which makes things a thousand times more dangerous. And that's that. Steve-O can do no wrong in my mind. I also think honesty is one of the twelve steps but that's neither here nor there. Thanks for the clarification, O. 

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