Mazz Thinks The Transcript Proves That Belichick Is Behind DeflateGate And The NFL Is Involved In A Cover-Up To Protect Him




(Source)Here’s the point: from the beginning, there seemed a clear attempt to keep Belichick out of the fray on this, and with good reason. Given the damage of Spygate in 2007, Belichick’s involvement in another scandal would have been far, far more damaging than what may very well end up as a one-game suspension for Brady. Belichick would have been suspended for a year if not longer, and pundits like Stephen A. Smith have whispered that a Spygate agreement between Belichick and the league would have required a penalty far stiffer. (Smith suggested a ban, though it was unclear.) Since that press conference before the Super Bowl, Belichick has said little or nothing regarding the air pressure of Patriots footballs – and he was all but exonerated by the Wells Report. Brady has been the obvious focus. And the more time that passes, the more that one can’t help but wonder if the NFL is using Brady as some type of leverage play against the Patriots and their coach, which has now led us into training camp with one of the more peculiar stories in even the twisted, recent run of NFL misdeeds. Tom Brady doesn’t know why or how the Patriots picked 12.5 PSI? Sure he does. They picked 12.5 PSI because that’s what Bill Belichick told them to do. But in this haystack, that is just one more theory.




This is fantastic. I mean that sincerely.


I don’t listen to sports radio at work too much because I’m not smart enough to multitask, but today I tuned in so I could hear Felger and Mazz eat a little bit of crow. I figured after how bad the league looked yesterday, something the entire world agrees on, they’d have to AT LEAST have a bite. But, alas, I was wrong. Mazz is putting on an electric performance of trolling. It’s genuinely entertaining.


Mazz’s reading of the transcript, the one where Goodell obviously lied, Troy Vincent is obviously inept, Tedd Wells couldn’t possibly be called independent, and Tom Brady, under oath, outright denied involvement has proven that…. Belichick was behind it all. You can’t make that up. Mazz just said that Belichick doesn’t even give Brady a choice. Even though Bill never touches a football, he demands what PSI his Hall of Fame quarterback plays with. According to Mazz, Tom Brady cannot be trusted enough to choose a ball that’s comfortable for him. I can only assume Bill ties his cleats too?


And the kicker? Everyone is involved in the cover-up. The NFL, Ted Wells, the Patriots, Tom Brady. These parties that have been releasing information to smear the others and refusing to give an inch for six and a half months? Yeah, it’s all been a scam to keep Bill Belichick out of the media. The one thing they’ve agreed on is protect Bill Belichick at all costs.


It’s completely insane but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t entertained by it all. I can’t even get worked up by it. It’s like Baxter getting into the fridge and eating the cheese. Tony, you read that entire transcript and decided that the NFL and the Patriots conspired to have Tom Brady fall on the sword in order to protect Bill Belichik, who was pulling the strings all along? I’m not even mad, that’s amazing.

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