90-Year-Old William Shatner Is Stiff & Sore After Going To Fucking Space & Water Is Also Wet

NY Post- William Shatner was brought back down to Earth Thursday, admitting that he is “stiff and sore” from his historic rocket trip to the edge of space.

The “Star Trek” actor told the “Today” show that before Wednesday’s Blue Origin flight, he kidded himself that he was like a younger man, saying, “I’m not 90, I ride horses.”

But “the whole physical experience of mounting that gantry, of getting into that chair, of being weightless, of having 5Gs” proved a reality check in his space flight, he said, adding that he feared the gravitational force would prove too much for him.

“And suddenly, as I’m coming down, I’m thinking, ‘You know something — I’m 90 years old!'” he admitted.

Even when the g-force was only at 2G, Shatner said he “couldn’t raise my hand — and that’s not just being 90,” he quipped.

Hell yeah brother! I would've felt pretty bad about myself if Shatner wasn't sore after what he did yesterday considering we had a sponsored in Queens the other day where I had to play football & field hockey (look out for that) and I haven't been able to sleep properly since. We're talking sore muscles for your boy as far as the eye could see and walking around my house stiffer than Mintzy after 300 hours at the Poker table.

So I'm just glad Shatner & I are in the same boat with the stiffness & soreness...except I played football and he went to fucking space. SPACE! I didn't even know senior citizen's were allowed to go to space! Next thing I know I'm tuning into Twitter yesterday and Captain Kirk is piercing the orbit like he's Neil fucking Armstrong. I truly could only imagine the toll it would take on a normie's body nonetheless his! Hell, I've heard of stories of people's bodies start to hurt at Mission: SPACE in Epcot! 

Not to mention William Shatner went into Zero Gravity territory! When I envision senior citizens I don't think about them going all too well with literally floating. Moral of the story is....Good for William Shatner absolutely bodying that stiffness & soreness while going into Space. Live long & prosper. (Hell yeah I just googled a Star Trek quote)

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