Daniel Craig Says He Goes To Gay Bars When He Wants To Drink That Way He Doesn't Have To Worry About Getting Into Fights

Jemal Countess. Getty Images.

Source - Daniel Craig has revealed that he has been visiting gay bars for as long as he can remember because he got sick of the "aggressive d**k-swinging" in hetero bars.

The actor, 53, whose last film as James Bond, No Time To Die, came out at the end of September was speaking to the Lunch with Bruce podcast on SiriusXM, hosted by Bruce Bozzi.

The two men recounted a time they visited a gay bar in California, which Craig admits wasn’t his first gay bar and that it was “no big deal.”

"I don’t get into fights in gay bars" Discussing their drink at the Roosterfish in Venice, California in 2010, the pair said they had a good time but were "busted" for doing "nothing f***ing wrong!"

Craig, who’s married to the Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz, then said: "I’ve been going to gay bars for as long as I can remember." "One of the reasons [is] because I don’t get into fights in gay bars that often. [...] The aggressive d**k-swinging in hetero bars, I just got very sick of as a kid," he continued.

I love how this is a national news story. Like I saw no less than ten media outlets report on the fact that Daniel Craig "goes to gay bars" and not one of them mention the reason why he does it - to avoid fights. How bizarre is that? And how many fights is Daniel Craig getting into when he goes to straight bars? If I had to guess I'd say zero, but what do I know. He probably just enjoys the anonymity. Gays aren't watching James Bond. They also aren't paying attention to a moderately dressed fifty-three-year-old man at the end of a bar, but that's neither here nor there. 

Here's the audio of Daniel Craig talking about going to gay bars with Bruce Bozzi...

Bozzi, for those of you who don't know, is a super well-connected gay guy and the former owner of The Palm Restaurant. He is to obscure celebrities what Michael Gruen is to TikTokers. His husband also founded CAA so he's got a shit ton of money. Regardless, if I run into Daniel Craig at a gay bar I'm going to have to fight him. The man is simply too comfortable in an environment that is designed specifically to make him uncomfortable. It's not fair. Head on a swivel, Bond. He also said this...

By comparison, Craig says, gay bars were "chill," and a "safe place to be" where someone's sexuality didn't matter. He also revealed having an ulterior motive.  "I could meet girls there because there were a lot of girls there for exactly the same reason I was there," he admitted. He branded the media picking it up as a story afterward a "s**tstorm in a teacup."

The picking up of girls I get, but saying they were also there to avoid fight is insane. The only reason straight girls go to gay bars is so they can post about it on Instagram. There's nothing straight girls love more than pretending to have a "gay best friend." Oh well. I still love Daniel Craig and you should too. Now here's a compilation of his best James Bond moments. Enjoy…






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