Reader Email: - How About This Nantucket Hotel Casually Using The “Face Of Nantucket Living” In Their Marketing Campaign?


Reader Email

I was looking for a nice place to go away for the weekend with my wife in Nantucket, and then I saw this! I mean 21 Broad looks like a nice place out on Nantucket; but I  don’t know if I want to take my wife to a place that is using Pres’s mug for their marketing! And how many free nights did he get out of this deal?

P.S. Is that Mrs. Pres?




Quick question. How did Nantucket 21 Broad Hotel possibly think they were going to get away with this? Like oh let’s just sneak the poster boy of the “Nantucket Living” series in our ads and watch the dollars role in and hope nobody notices. Come on bro. Nobody profits off Davey Pageviews expect Davey Pageviews. Bottomline is I’ve never heard of this place. They do not have my Nantucket Living endorsement yet. But that can change. If this hotel wants to reach out to me and give me a few free nights we can put this whole nasty incident behind us. Help me help you.

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