Shocked: Kim Kardashian Book Of Nothing But Selfies Flopped Super Hard


Daily Caller- Nobody is buying Kim Kardashian’s book. Despite being on the New York Times Bestseller Celebrity List, the 400-page book filled with selfies of Kim Kardashian isn’t selling. In the three months since its been published “Selfish” has sold only 32,000 copies. Though it was given glowing reviews by “Time Magazine” and “USA Today,” over 65 percent of buyers on Amazon gave it a one-star rating. The comments are even worse. “A poor tree died for this.”



That wasn’t sarcasm in the title by the way.  It’s honestly shocking this book didn’t sell like hot cakes.  Love them or hate them, the Kardashians know how to make headlines and in turn make money off doing whatever it is they do.  Everything they touch and literally everything they do turns into a cash flow.  The “they have no talent” argument is bull shit.  They know what they’re doing and they do it well. They monetize everything.  Kim K has her own cell phone game that made her truck loads of money for fucks sake.  This selfie book seemed like a can’t-miss idea.  Think about it this way.  Kim has over 41 million followers on Instagram so clearly people love her selfies/her ass and tits.  If she had duped let’s say 10% of her followers into buying the book that’s over 4 million books sold right there.  Boom.  Done and done.  That would’ve been a HUGE success and everybody would’ve made money.  I would’ve bet my left nut that at least 10% of her followers would buy the book.  Nope.  She sold 32,000 books total in 3 months.  That’s .0008% of her Instagram followers.  Flopped like a mother fucker.  Nowadays society doesn’t get many wins.  Horrible, horrible shit happens every single day. This place is a nightmare.  But then, every once in a while, we get a win.  This is one of the wins. So enjoy it.

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