India's Government Has Publicly Banned Barstool Sports?

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Bloomberg – India ordered Internet service providers to block access to 857 pornographic and humor websites citing the threat to public morality in the world’s second-most populous country. ISPs were told to immediately confirm compliance with the order, which also mentioned websites Barstool Sports and Adult Friendfinder. The ban comes after a lawyer petitioned the Supreme Court to block sites featuring pornography on grounds that they fueled crimes against women and children and were a threat to public order. India has the world’s second-largest number of Internet users with about 350 million people accessing the Web on personal computers and mobile devices. Saurabh Kumar, additional private secretary to the Minister for Communications & Information Technology, confirmed the government has requested ISPs block the 857 websites as an interim measure.


Oh HELLS NO!   Ok India now you done did it. Now yis can’t leave. You got 350 million freaks trying to get on the Stool in India.   From the coast of Maharashtra to the forests of Gujarat.  Do you know how many pageviews that is? We got Tree Man, kid with the 7 foot tail, dude with the huge hands all trying to get their fix. Trying to print out our stories and hang them on their shanties and brag to their friends that they made it.   We’re huge in India! Everybody knows that. All the locals checking to see who the new freak sensation is. Who got eaten by a rogue tiger. We’re like CNN up in that joint.   You can’t ban us.  And since when does India have a Supreme Court? Bullshit you do.   How about coming up with working toilets and stuff before banning websites that bring a glimmer of hope to your poor ass country.  If anything I’m a hero.  You don’t treat heroes this way.

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