No Surprise But MLB Is A Complete Joke For Fining Javy Baez Just Because Amir Garrett Sucks

If you’ve been living under a rock:

And now the news that he’s getting fined by MLB because they’re a bunch of puss bags. They literally used that home run clip in a promotional tweet for some stupid fucking product I’m not linking to. Like MLB went out and MADE MONEY off this conflict, then they turn around and fine Javy because they need more money. It makes absolutely zero sense to even the smartest and most well reasoned people on the internet. Nobody can rationalize it other than saying that MLB is a bunch of selfish contrarian asshats.

If anything Javy should get a fucking bonus for showing up that clown. Amir Garrett has been a loose canon in the division for so long. I can’t imagine his teammates are particularly fond of his bullshit much less the 4th place Chicago Cubs. That wasn’t just a celebration in the moment. That was a long time coming for a lot of people across baseball. As such it should be celebrated. Not punished.

That’s the world we live in. Never mind the injustice. I’m more pissed about the inconsistency in applying the rules. To me, MLB is just a leaf on a tree blowing away in the wind of public perception. This kinda shit only triple stamps a double stamp in making that point. 

Fortunately you know Tom Ricketts is picking up the check. No way he lets his superstars get treated like this 

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