Reporter Gets Caught On A Hot Mic Asking Future Lottery Pick Josh Giddey If He Pooped

Pretty sure anyone with a parent knows this feeling and this nightmare working from home. The last thing you want to do is get caught asking a future lottery pick if he pooped. Of course he pooped, he's a future lottery pick. Do you know what kind of gross shit he eats? That 100% goes right through him. And of course the reporter meant to ask his kid that, he owned up to it. 

I feel for this dude as a fellow father with a son who is about to be two. Do you know how many times I have to ask him if he pooped? Not even to teach him or anything, I do it for my own good so I can prepare the battle station when it comes time to change his diaper - i.e. his mother isn't home. It's impossible to sound normal asking a 1-year old if they pooped. I don't know why, it's just science that your voice changes like this. I hate it. I don't want it to happen to me, my friends, anyone really. 

My only complaint here is I wish Josh Giddey just answered the question. Admit you pooped, Josh. You may pop up a spot or two in mock drafts. I don't care if you're already a lottery pick, how does top-10 lock sound? We already know NBA and NFL front offices ask bizarre questions during the draft process, admitting you took a shit doesn't come close to the weirdest. 

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