Loki Fucking Ruled.


How good was Season 1 of Loki? It turned Barstool's biggest hater, Kevin Francis Clancy, into a ranting fanboy about just how good the show was.

I really loved this episode and this season, which I have just ahead of Wandavision for my favorite MCU show. I get that some people thought it was too much talking or went above casual viewers' heads. But after watching the action packed and extremely uneven ending of Black Widow, this was exactly what I wanted. 

If you don't know what the hell is going on, that's fine. It will all play out and make sense. And if you hated the Loki finale or entire season, that's fine too. I am not one to argue online, especially on a summer Friday after 3 PM.

A couple of other random thoughts:

- The Marvel opening with all the voices was cool but I'm only saying that now after realizing it was for the plot. When I was first watching the season finale, I thought this was going to be the new MCU opening and was furrrrrrrrious that they replaced this gem, which is essentially like a Buffer brother saying it's time for the main event of a combat fight.

- There was a lottttt of #SPOILERS talk after KFC tweeted this lovely shirt out.

My take on it was I could see people being upset about it while also seeing that it was a relatively harmless tweet. My thoughts on spoilers for a TV show are if you haven't seen the show yet, avoid social media at all costs. I had my kids up early and a dentist appointment at 9, so I didn't get to watch Loki until 10 AM on Tuesday. You know how many times I opened Twitter in that time? 0. And it almost killed me since I have a crippling addiction to The Bird and my job kinda relies on me being on social media every waking minute. 

However I also understand people getting upset when anything is tweeted out about a show hours after it came out, which is why I pretty much go radio silent for at least a day after a show comes out just because people read into every little thing when they are on Spoiler Watch. If Disney+ just showed episodes like at like 9 PM ET, we could treat it like Thrones where there are no spoilers since we all should be watching together like a sports event. I do think that if Disney keeps releasing shows in the middle of the week, there should be a 24 hour spoiler-free period followed by everything goes. A Wednesday release is much different than a Friday release while nobody wants to be a scumbag like Shady McCoy

- I didn't know anything about Jonathan Majors before this episode but he was clearly awesome and going to crush all the different versions of his character this phase. The T Man is still the gold standard of Marvel villains with Loki clearly locked in silver. But I do expect to #embracedebate about Kang vs. Thanos by the time Avengers: Endgame For Real This Time comes out.

- I STILL don't know if He Who Remains was telling the truth or pushing the Lokis in the direction he wanted. I'm pretty sure it was all true but I say that about every single person on Cops who says they don't have drugs on them before the officer finds a huge stash on them.

- The only thing I could think about after He Who Remains offered Loki coffee was how does Loki take his coffee? Part of me says black because and part of me says light & sweet because. The one thing we can all agree on is that mischievous asshole definitely loosens up the sugar container after he is done making his coffee, which is such a scumbag move when you think about it. But you don't get the God of Mischief name for nothing.

Giphy Images.

- Keeping it in the food realm because I mean look at me, but macintosh apples are by farrrrr the best apples. This is the correct take, so no need to debate it.

- Loki's music may not have been the MVP of the season but it definitely received MVP votes because when an idiot like me, who hardly notices anything like the music, cinematography, or anything else the Lights Camera Barstool guys talk about, notices it you know it must be good.

- Lokigator also received MVP votes from me. I love that fucker so much.

Giphy Images.

- I'm buying a ton of Judge Renslayer MVP stock for future seasons of Loki since Kang sent that sus bitch Miss Minutes back for her. You don't become the king of all universes without good people and he clearly knows Renslayer is legit.

- Next time you have anxiety about screwing up your life or the life of anybody else, just remember at least you aren't Sylvie who just ruined the lives of trillions of people by sparking the upcoming multiversal war.

- Speaking of multiverses HOLY SHIT, we may actually get an MCU whiteboard for this crazy multiverse.

I need to see that whiteboard more than anything outside of a Mets and Knicks championships. Oh yeah and I guess my kids graduating, getting married, and having kids of their own. But the whiteboard is number 1.

- If you don't want to watch the podcast on video, you can listen to it on your favorite podcast site. Still subscribe to the YouTube though, even if you don't want the free hug. 

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