Dad Launches His Three Daughters To The Moon In An Absolutely Diabolical Tubing Send






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Well done, old man. Well done. I have to imagine that as a father there are very few feelings better than sending your kids to the moon on a tube. Especially if they're ungrateful little pricks, like all children. It's the one true get out of jail free card in terms of near nearly murdering your offspring yet disguising it as a game. I mean this… 




could've been catastrophic. They were eight feet in the air going forty miles an hour above the water. God forbid they get knocked out and go under. They had to have known it was coming too. The second they crossed over the wake and picked up speed they were headed directly into oncoming waves. Then they dipped…


and the rest was history. I'm sure dad replayed that moment in his head just as many times as I've watched the video. Probably over an ice cold beer watching the sun set on the lake. "A good summer indeed," he whispers to himself as he takes a long pull from the bottle. "Tomorrow…I fuck em' up." Great job, pops. Now here's a compilation of some of the best tubing wipeouts on the internet. Enjoy. 






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