It Would Appear That Jimmy Fallon Is All The Way Back On The Sauce

Say what you want about Jimmy Fallon, but don't you dare say he doesn't like to have a good time. He's also, for better or for worse, a bit of a drinker. He's taken shit for it in the past, but not from me. It actually makes me like him more. There's something authentic about a guy who goes out and just gets unapologetically boozed up. And don't tell me he wasn't either. You don't put both hands on your knees and take a breather mid-performance when you're sober...




The whole thing reminds me of a less sloppy video that went viral a few years back when Jimmy started crawling on the piano at Marie's Crisis. I'll post that below. The bottom line is that Jimmy burnt the house down. On a regular night Stephen's Talkhouse is a place where pretentious finance bros go to pretend to be blue collar, but last night it was actually fun. That wouldn't have happened without him. Hopefully the hangover has worn off by the time he goes on the air tonight. Now here's the video of him singing Walking on Air. Enjoy…






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