If You Had To Live On A Planet Filled Exclusively With All Of The Characters Played By One Actor/Actress, Who Would You Choose?


As has been the case pretty much every week, this week's episode of Loki ended with a wild cliffhanger as (LOKI SPOILER ALERT) we ended up in what appeared to be a world of Lokis in a mid-credits scene as wild as it was short.

This got the internet wondering if people who got tasered in the TVA ended up on a planet full of their own variants. However, my internet pal Dominic here remixed this theory by wondering what would happen if Owen Wilson's Mobius got tasered into a planet full of characters played by the same actor.

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Which then got MY dumbass wondering which planet full of characters from the same actor or actress would be the best to live in. 

Robbie threw out names like Gary Oldman and Johnny Depp, which would certainly be an eclectic mix based on the IMDB pages, while I added Denzel Washington into the mix only because of the take by White Sox Dave that all Denzel roles are basically the same.

Speaking of White Sox Dave, I'm sure there are plenty of Stoolies like my Sons Of Uribe brother that are throwing around actresses like Pamela Anderson in their heads sore from the constant bonking they endure.

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Other interesting names that come to mind are James Earl Jones (Mufasa, King Jaffe Joffer, Old Man Mertle AKA The Meanest Old Man That Ever Lived, And Oh Yeah Darth Motherfucking Vader to name a few), Bruce Willis (John McClane, Butch Coolidge, a bunch of other cool characters but who gives a shit because John McClane is cooler than all of them), or Vince Vaugh (which is pretty much just Vince Vaughn at different volume levels).

The good people of Twitter had some excellent choices. 


My answer? Tom Hanks. Think about how pleasant a planet that would be. You have Forrest Gump retelling randoms moments of American history he directly lived through, Chuck Noland can solve pretty much any problem that may arise since he survived on a deserted island for years in Cast Away, Mr. Rogers is there as the glue guy to make sure everybody gets along, A Baseball Guy like Jimmy Duggan can help the guys can act like dudes occasionally, Carl Hanratty can say things in his outrageous accent, Jim Lovell from Apollo 13 is the resident brainiac, Captain Miller from Saving Private Ryan is the leader of men, and Woody from Toy Store is your loyal best friend that would risk life and limb for you no matter what dopey hardo from space may crash land on your planet. #TeamWoodyForLife #WaitWhat?

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I could go on and on about how great Tom Hanks is but since everyone is probably about to leave for the holiday weekend, we can all agree that there's a reason Hanks has been America's Sweetheart for decades and it's because he is always an absolute delightful despite the wide array of roles he has played. So instead of waxing poetic anymore, I will ask you to download/subscribe/rate 5 stars to the My Mom's Basement podcast if you enjoy watching Loki and comment with your choice for whose planet you would like to live on, which likely is best case the silver medalist to the GOAT.

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