Pastor References The Drake/Meek Mill Beef In His Sunday Sermon
Now that’s what I’m talking about! Black church seems really awesome. The dancing, the clapping and now the references to current hip hop beefs like the Drake/Meek Mill one from last weekend. Heaven on Earth. Black church definitely looks better than the boring ass church I went to growing up. Stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up, hum random noises, eat a cracker, underage drink, avoid sexual assault, kneel, stand up, leave. I’d even go as far as to say the boring sermons are a big part of why I stopped going to church at a certain age (other heavy factors being weed and George Carlin). I never knew who or what they were talking about so I zoned out and waited for it to be over. I need topical references in my sermons to keep me engaged. Talk to me about Drake. Throw in a Kardashin reference. Make a Cosby joke. Do it. That pastor is a genius because I guarantee 99% of the people who still go to church feel the same way I do. It’s. So. Fucking. Boring. But people keep going because they think they’re supposed to. Well if these nicely dressed people are gonna show up every Sunday this pastor wants to make it worth their while. I usually only step into churches for weddings but I might have to make an exception and start going again if topical sermons catch on.