Sabermetric Stat Of The Year: Nikola Jokic Is The Only MVP To Be Drafted While ESPN Showed A Taco Bell Commercial Instead Of The Draft

This just sums up Nikola Jokic perfectly. I completely forgot that ESPN just didn't show him getting drafted. Yeah, it's the second round so it's not exactly shocking, but also, you know, there are only 60 picks. Is it really that hard to show picks for a couple of hours? Yeah, I'm complaining. I fucking love the NBA Draft. It's legit one of my favorite things in the world. But you know what else is awesome? Taco Bell. So it's really a win/win here. 

By all means, Nikola Jokic should be MVP. But it's insane that he is. 41st pick. Big goofy center that has this perfect mix of offensive skill, passing and don't give a fuck attitude. Just think about it. THIS dude won MVP. 

Hell he didn't even think he'd be in the NBA. 

Now he's the first 2nd rounder to win MVP. He's the first guy to be drafted during a Taco Bell commercial and win MVP. He's turned into must see TV. There's just something perfect about this big goofy dude, who is quiet, barely talks to people and just kicks everyone ass on the floor. Hell, he didn't even watch the draft. I love this story from Sam Vecenie (h/t The Athletic) 

He went back home to Serbia and Mega, unsure what would happen next. He played out the rest of the season, decided to declare and stay in the draft. Raznatovic said Jokic likely didn’t even watch the draft, which occurred overnight in Serbia.

“When he (woke) up, I told him he went 41 to Denver,” Raznatovic said. “He said, ‘Nice, OK.'”

I still think Derrick Rose got robbed, deserved at least TWO votes. But, congrats to Jokic. Feel like he deserves some free Taco Bell or some shit now. 

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