KFC Has Invented The Fried Chicken Bucket Photo Printer - Daily Mail


In this life, there are Needs and there are Wants. Like I “Want” a pair of Playoff 12s. I “Want” a pair of the Penny 2s. But those are like $400 each because they’re just dumb basketball sneakers from my childhood. I can live without those. I’m adult enough to not spend the money on those and realize those are superfluous extras in life.

But the KFC Fried Chicken Bucket Photo Printer? That is a Need. That is a Must Have. The fact that this is in Canada right now and not America is basically a crime against humanity. Ive been to KFC about once in the past decade but right now, at this moment, I need about 4 biscuits, a side of mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and a 16 piece, extra crispy, fried chicken bucket with Polaroid printing capabilities. I dont even like taking pictures but if I can snap them with my phone and print them out with my bucket of fried chicken I will absolutely be needing this. Right up there with my Phunkee Duck. Gonna roll through the drive through and get my camera bucket filled with chicken.

Also on today’s show – Iran is 165 Degrees, India trying to ban ALL porn, Village People feud, KFC has invented a bucket that prints photos, Snoop stopped with $422,000, new nominee for MailMan of the Year.

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