Derrick Rose Is Sick Of All The Soft Crybabies Complaining About Madison Square Garden Chanting "Fuck Trae Young" And Trae Young Shushing Everybody

THANK YOU DERRICK (shout out to me for not using the old Michael Scott gif to open this blog). I feel out of touch enough as an old man that can barely stay awake for the end of 7 PM games. But I swear to God, hearing all these people complain about the MSG crowd being a bunch of big meanies or Trae Young being out of line for talking shit back had me really feeling like basketball has passed me by in the 8 years since the Knicks made the playoffs.

Trae Young came into the series as the clear villain because he could shoot, has villain hair, and has no problem flopping like a bitch to get a call. In response, 15,000 people politely told him to go fuck himself for 2 hours straight and then he shoved it up their ass by hitting the game-winning shot then shushing them. That's basketball Suzyn. Now the crowd has a clear target for Game 2, Trae has a chance to raise his stock in the league by becoming the next Knicks killer, the NBA has a big time storyline in the biggest media market of the country, and everybody wins. Well except for Knicks fans if he actually does become a Knick killer. SHIT!

Not to go all gray beard on you, but back in the day Madison Square Garden would've been chanting the same shit along with Charles Oakley and Anthony Mason chokeslamming Trae through the hardwood floor at some point. That won't happen again without a player being suspended if not expelled for life. So the MSG crowd saying a couple of bad words is all they have left. Actually if MSG was serious about getting in Trae's head, they would really steer into this whole bird hating thing.

I'm not talking about printing out pictures of birds because I think a guy who plays for the Atlanta Hawks has seen a few bird pictures. I'm talking about everybody with a ticket smuggling in a New York City pigeon tonight as MSG security looks the other way. I may be an avid birder that loves my feathered friends, but even I get freaked out by those diseased, winged rats of the five boroughs. So if you want to stop Trae Young, I think filling The Mecca with pigeons is the way to go, even if you have to burn it to the ground once the game is over because MSG will become the grossest place in New York City by midnight if this plan actually came to fruition.

By the way, sorry if your family ever got covered in beer at Madison Square Garden, Derrick. I can pretty much assure you it was Yankees fan Knicks fans that did that.

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