We Have Found Hell on Earth - A Jam Packed 160 Person Wedding That Took Place on a Goddamn Airplane

Daily Mail

An Indian couple reportedly held a mid-air wedding with more than 160 guests on board a plane to avoid lockdown rules.

The couple - known only as Rakesh and Dakshina - got married on board a SpiceJet plane with friends and family on Sunday, after booking a chartered flight from the city of Madurai, India. The state of Tamil Nadu, where the flight set off from, is currently under lockdown restrictions where weddings are limited to 50 guests.    

Airport officials were also unaware of the proceedings taking place directly above the Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple where the couple had intended to marry.

Everyone is trying all sorts of ways to have weddings, parties, and important ceremonies these days. In the heart of the pandemic I had to sit through a goddamn Briss via Zoom. Couldn't see a thing (and thank god). 

I had a good friend postpone his wedding, have a gathering of close friends for an all day drinking bonanza instead, and then just decide a year later a real wedding wasn't worth it since they got married already in a court house. Corona has thrown a good ol' wrench in a lot of plans, but this one Indian couple would not let the virus get in the way... 

With a 50 person cap put on all weddings at the moment in India you'd think people would pivot to smaller ceremonies to make it work, right? Not quite. These mother fuckers put 160 of their closest friends and family on a chartered plane and got hitched in the skies. One of the more ridiculous, unnecessary things I've ever seen.  

I don't care if this is my closest pal in the world. Don't give a crap if he gave me a kidney once to save my life. I don't care if this is my sister. I'm not stuffing myself in an airplane for a wedding ceremony with 160 people. Like I'm not even talking about masks and covid with this, if the world was completely fine I'd still be so fucking out. The moment I get on a plane I think about the euphoria I'll have the second it touches down in my next destination. I put my headphones in, listen to a podcast or some music, and doze off for as long as my body will allow me to. 

Could you imagine having a seat in the back of the jet and being at this thing? What is wrong with you? You can't hear or see a fucking thing, why are you there? I think the whole time I'd just root for that bird to crash. Bride and groom should be arrested for the sole fact of thinking their wedding was so goddamn important they had to drag all their friends and family on a goddamn airplane. 

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