Dan Snyder Says A New Stadium Will Be Built In Washington For The 2026-2027 Season


You guys know I hate Dan Snyder. All my homies hate Dan Snyder. But this current Washington team is on the up n up. There's no denying we, through the good glory of whatever football god there is, have assembled what I think could very well be the best roster since Lil Dan Dan bought the club 20 years ago. And how did that happen? You know, just all anyone has been saying all along- he removed himself from football decisions. He *probably* was the reason behind the Haskins pick, but besides that, as far as I understand he doesn't meddle in football operations anymore, and voila, the team is good. Really good, depending on your feelings about Fitzpatrick and if he can play at a high enough level next season, which I think he will. 

So I say all of that to say I am very (weirdly) optimistic about this team right now, and while I do think eventually the carriage will turn back into a pumpkin, it's wildly encouraging that not only is the team doing things correctly, but Dan Snyder is currently touring stadiums with the goal for a new Danny World to be built and ready to go for the 2026-2027 season. Does that seems a little far away to get excited about? I guess...but also no. 5 more seasons at FedEx Field sounds horrific. But knowing there is a pot of gold at the other side of that rainbow? That's exciting. And you know Dan isn't going to cut corners. All he cares about is getting the biggest, flashiest, most over the top *literal anything* money can buy. I mean he currently owns the title of "largest floating movie theater on a mega yacht". So this new stadium, who even knows what it will be capable of. All I know is it will put Jerry's little stadium in Dallas to shame.

The unfortunate part is it will likely have to be out in Loudon County or something where there will be a ton of land...which obviously means a ton of traffic as well. I HATE when stadiums aren't downtown, but unless the RFK site is bigger than I think it is (and it could be, I honestly do not know what to look for in terms of plot sizes) I can't foresee it being in DC, which is a bummer. I'd take a scaled down version of the stadium to have it right smack dab in DC as opposed to out in the boonies, but I doubt that'll happen.

So hey, good for you Dan. Your first gold star on my board. Now please don't fuck this up. Or even better, sell the team before you can. 


PS: Remember when these were renderings of the new stadium? The beach, the rock climbing, I need all of it. ALL of it.


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