Super Cringeworthy Video Of Bryce Hall Full On Attacking Austin McBroom At Their Pre-Fight Press Conference

Source - Bryce Hall and Austin McBroom couldn't wait 'til their fight date to get their hands on each other -- the two social media stars got in an all-out brawl Tuesday ... and it was violent.

Hall, one of the most popular characters on TikTok, and McBroom, a YouTube megastar, were promoting their June 12 celeb boxing match ... when suddenly fireworks ignited.

McBroom and Hall were trading jabs at Fred Segal in West Hollywood ... when Bryce got up and charged at Austin. The two grabbed and shoved each other -- taking their violence to the floor ... and then damn-near everyone in the building hopped in to separate the guys.

The Video: 






Cringe. Cringe. Cringe. Cringe. Cringe. I haven't been following the Bryce Hall fight too closely and this is the exact reason why. He just doesn't get it. Anyone with half a brain knows you don't actually fight at the press conference- you get in each other's faces, maybe exchange a few shoves, and keep it movin'. Not form tackle each other into oblivion. Even the trash talk was awful, "go to sleep in those stupid pajamas", "I'll slap the 'oh my god' out of you." Like what is that? The only good part of the entire thing was when this old man started throwing fountain sodas from the clouds…

Only to immediately be wrapped up and removed by security…

Skip to 1:19 if you missed it. That said, the fact that people are actually talking about these two means they're doing something right. Their fight is set for June 12th and as much as I don't want to admit it, I'll be watching. I just hope we get to see a double knockout. Now here's a compilation of a guy who really knows how to do press conferences. Enjoy…






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