Bruce Springsteen Jumped On Stage With U2 At Their Final Concert This Weekend At MSG

(5:30 transitions into Stand By Me)

Pretty decent guest appearance to close out their final MSG appearance on their latest tour, huh? I’m not personally a big U2 fan. My Baby Mama is. Huge U2 fan. She was trying to grab some tickets for this show Friday night. Tickets were like $700 a pop. Absolute INSANITY for bands like this that have a huge, rich, white fan base. Face value of the cheapest tickets are like $250. Crazy stuff. They must make a BAZILLION dollars on tour.

But anytime you can get The Boss to do an impromptu set you got your money’s worth. I probably would have been alright with nosebleeds behind the stage for like $500 a pop if I got to see Springsteen and his weird jaw do Stand By Me. I mean not really but cool moment nonetheless if you’re a fan of rock and roll royalty.

Next up is Billy Joel tomorrow night closing out The Coliseum for good. Some tickets are going for almost $3,000 for that. What a scene thats gonna be for Long Island tomorrow night.

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