This Floating Sky Pool Will Even Make A Huge Pool Guy Like Myself Quiver In Fear

I'm torn here. I really, really am. On one hand I'm a whore for some good old fashioned architecture and, frankly, a floating sky pool is could be the golden goose of architecture for a massive pool guy like myself. There's no debate here that it looks splendid. My only worry is how you're ACTUALLY gonna feel once you get up there. I can kinda compare it to me going to that wedding alone a few weeks ago.

 On the outside it seemed like a fucking sweet idea, but then once I got in the hotel to get dressed & call an Uber the nerves set in BIG TIME. I did know in the back of my mind everyone there would be super nice and I'd have a great time which I did...and that's exactly how I'd imagine this would go. You'd KNOW at the end of the day you're gonna have a nice swim once you get going but goddamn that must be a terrifying few minutes when you first look down and see the fucking street as you're literally FLOATING in the sky.

It makes me vastly sad that this is in London & not the United States because I would've had to be all over this. My pool whore reputation would've been tarnished if not.

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