A PS5 Seinfeld Horror Parody Video Game Is Real And The Trailer Is Spectacular

Alright, a Seinfeld horror parody video game may seem like the most fucked up Mad Libs you've ever heard and calling that trailer spectacular may be a sliiiiiiight stretch. But anytime you can reference Teri Hatcher back when she was absolutely crushing in the 90s, you do it.

Giphy Images.

It may not be spectacular but I am definitely interesting in playing this game. The lead character may be a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome and I swore off any horror game since the dogs jumping through the windows of Resident Evil scarred me for life. 

But being able to walk around the Seinfeld universe would be fun as fuck, especially since they call out some of the best episodes in the trailer alone from the Human Fund.

You get to destroy the retched Kenny Rogers Roasters sign

Create some sort of holiday black magic with the Festivus pole

And of course murder the gang at Jerry's apartment!

To be clear, I will not pay a red cent for this game. But if Smitty wants to expense one for me on Barstool's dime along with a new PS5 to play it on, I won't say no.

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