Cam'ron Disclosed He Has Over 200,000 People Blocked On Social Media. What Are Rico Bosco's Thoughts On The Matter?

Yahoo - Cam’ron revealed on Instagram Stories that he has nearly 200,000 accounts blocked on IG, where he’s got 2 million followers. He explained that he’s quick to put people on the block list because he’s not going to give trolls the power to dictate his content.

Cam’ron revealed on Instagram Stories that he has nearly 200,000 accounts blocked on IG, where he’s got 2 million followers. He explained that he’s quick to put people on the block list because he’s not going to give trolls the power to dictate his content.

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“Don’t ever feel bad about blocking somebody. It’s your page. It’s your shit. Sometimes people are too opinionated on your shit,” Killa said.

He likened the concept to a guest being rude in your home. “Somebody come in your house and be like, ‘I don’t like your curtains.’ Okay. … ‘I don’t really like the furniture.’ Well get the fuck out,” Cam continued. “Why are you here? You don’t like a bunch of shit but you still here. It’s crazy.”

During his IG Stories monologue, the hip-hop legend and a pop culture icon detailed how being petty helped his block list get so long.

“I let a wild comment stay there for a while,” he said. “Then I block everybody who liked the comment. … It’s your house.”

First off, damn Cam'ron looks different with a full beard and sans the fur coat. 

Secondly, 200,00 is a fucking lot of people. I wonder what Cam'ron's threshold is for throwing people on the block list? Do they have to really go out of their way? Or could they just catch him on a bad day and suffer the consequences?

Naturally, after reading this story I had to reach out to the expert on the matter, none other than Rico Bosco, for his thoughts-

Was not expecting an Anne Hathaway analogy but that's why Rico is Rico. He thinks on a different plane than the rest of us. And it's a pretty good point he makes. You don't like his movies? Then basta! No more Rico movies for you. 

Pretty cut and dry and I'm sure Cam'ron would agree.

p.s. - my favorite Cam song & features. Just give us a Cam'ron + Kanye best of both worlds album and I'd die a happy man.

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