AT NO POINT Did Ex Raiders Tackle Bruce Campbell Get His Ass Whooped In A Wal-Mart This Weekend. But Somebody Else Sure As Fuck Did.

NY Post - Twitter lost its collective mind on Sunday night when a video of a man that was purported to be former NFL offensive lineman Bruce Campbell getting pummeled in a Walmart went viral.

Turns out, it wasn’t Bruce Campbell at all – though that doesn’t make the video any less insane.

In the video, the man – who, again, is not Campbell – is unmasked, gesturing toward someone behind the counter and yelling “do something, motherfucker!”

Chalk one up for the little guys here.

What a wild turn of events in this video. NFL player or not. That guy was big as fuck. And he was very unpleased with the gentleman behind the counter. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that guy to come from behind the counter and square up. 

And when he did, I audibly gasped.

Not this fella's first fight as you can tell from that stance. Wide foot base = better balance, center of gravity. Which is important when you're fighting a guy with a foot and half on you and 50-75 lbs.

And what unfolded was just a great old-fashioned ass-kicking on this guy with the big mouth. No punk ass friends coming in and throwing cheap shots. No weapons pulled. No women running in and screaming. Just one on one straight up. 

Amazing use of homestore advantage by the check-out clerk as well. Never seen better usage of a self check out scanner in my life, and doubt we ever will. 

He followed that up with another combo and that was all she wrote. 

And big tree fell real hard.

p.s. - tough look for Campbell getting dragged into this for absolutely no reason

The Athletic’s Ted Nguyen, however, blows up the narrative that the former lineman was the one taking the beating.

“This tweet from a troll account which was joking started this whole thing,” Nguyen tweeted. “If you look at the original video which he quote tweeted, there’s no reference to Bruce.”

Campbell played four NFL seasons as an offensive lineman from 2010 to 2013, two with the Raiders and two with the Carolina Panthers, and was briefly a member of the Jets in 2014 but was cut before the season started. And again, he was not the man in this video.

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