An Intruder Walked Around The Air Force One Military Base Undetected For Hours Until Someone Realized The Guy Wearing MICKEY MOUSE EARS Probably Didn't Belong

Manuel Balce Ceneta. Shutterstock Images.

Think about all the advanced security technology we have in the world these days. Facial recognition systems that can tell you anything and everything about a person in a matters of seconds. Now we're at the Air Force One Base which I imagine has this kinda stuff flooded all over to sustain the highest of security and assurances in safety. They've got shit you've never even thought of to detect the even smallest of threats. Not quite….

Yeah, gotta fire every single person associated with security at the Air Force One base right now. Gotta do it. Just think about this for a second….some dude was walking around the military base for HOURS and didn't get stopped until one person realized he was rocking pink mickey mouse ears and probably didn't belong. I lied when I said fire everyone at the base. I want the airman who spotted the ears and became alarmed promoted to head of the NSA. That guy is good. 

I mean what are we doing here? I'm admittedly the kind of guy who if I notice something out of place I'll probably convince myself I'm in the wrong and just keep my mouth shut. That being said, if you're on a military base and everyone is in suits, maybe the one fella who looks like he's in line for the next Tea Cups ride should raise some suspicions. Again, I'm no expert, so what do I know? 

He was wearing what an Air Force investigative report released Thursday described as “a bright red or pink cap that partially covered his ears and had distinctive balls on top that looked a little like mouse ears.”

MOUSE EARS!!! This further proves that confidence in this world is everything. If you act like you belong, you'll fit in seamlessly, even if you are rocking PINK MICKEY MOUSE EARS. Act the part and let life come to you. Words to live by. This dude was walking on and off planes! Could you imagine the conversation from a higher up military official and this fella? I'd pay for the footage. 

“During questioning, (blank) said he came on base because he wanted to see airplanes.”

My man just wanted to see some airplanes and Air Force One was the closest airport. Simple as that. 

Today I learned Bar A down the Jersey Shore has better security than the military base that houses the Presidential airplane. I've seen people denied there who had their passport as a secondary form of identification. If you get in there with a fake you deserve to have a movie made about you. Maybe the military should spend a weekend in Belmar and tighten their shit up. 

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