Milo Yiannopoulos Comes Out As "Ex-Gay," Says He's Rebranding Conversation Therapy To Help People Become Sodomy-Free

Source - Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos has come out as “ex-gay” – announcing that he “would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls “conversion therapy” over the next decade, according to a report.

The 36-year-old British political commentator, whose speeches and writings often ridicule political correctness, social justice and feminism, declared himself no longer gay and “sodomy free,” he told LifeSite in an interview.

Yiannopoulos told the outlet that he is now leading a daily consecration online to St. Joseph. “When I used to kid that I only became gay to torment my mother, I wasn’t entirely joking,” he said.

“Anyone who’s read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming. I wasn’t shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book ‘Dangerous,’ I heavily hinted I might be ‘coming out’ as straight in the future,” he said.

Well, I can't say I saw this one coming. To be honest I actually forgot Milo was alive. I thought he rode off into the sunset after being forced to resign from Breitbart in 2017 due to his comments on pedophilia. Which was incorrect because apparently he was just taking time to turn himself straight? Here's what he told a reporter...

“That’s not to say I didn’t throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds in my private life. I suppose I felt that’s all I deserved. I’d love to say it was all an act, and I’ve been straight this whole time, but even I don’t have that kind of commitment to performance art. Talk about method acting.”

Asked about how he decided to become “sodomy free,” Yiannopoulos said: “Four years ago, I gave an interview to America magazine which they declined to print. It’s taken me a long time to live up to the claims I made in that interview, but I am finally doing it."

More power to him. It won't work, obviously, but he can try. He also says he wants to rebrand conversion therapy...

Yiannopoulos added that “over the next decade, I would like to help rehabilitate what the media calls ‘conversion therapy.’ It does work, albeit not for everybody."

And keep his husband as a housemate…

As far as his personal life, Yiannopoulos said of his husband: “The guy I live with has been demoted to housemate, which hasn’t been easy for either of us. It helps that I can still just about afford to keep him in Givenchy and a new Porsche every year. Could be worse for him, I guess."

None of it makes any sense, but it doesn't have to. This is what Milo does- he says crazy things in order to get attention because that's what he thrives on. It's as simple as that. He doesn't even believe the things he says. Now here's a video of him being owned by Larry Wilmore. Skip to 1:30 for the good part…






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