Chess Not Checkers: Queen Elizabeth Releases The PERFECT Statement Addressing Harry And Meghan's Interview With Oprah

Source - Queen Elizabeth issued a statement Tuesday in response to Prince Harry and Meghan's bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey, making it clear any fallout from the interview will be handled privately, as a family.

"The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan," Buckingham Palace said in a statement released on behalf of the queen. "The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately."

"Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members," the statement read, referring to Harry and Meghan's nearly 2-year-old son, Archie, a great-grandson of the queen.

The Statement: 




And just like that, I'm back on team Queen. How could I not be after that statement? It's so calculated it's tough to pick apart. First she says she's "saddened" that way you feel bad for her, then she says "recollections may vary" to cast doubt over Meghan and Harry's claims, then she says she loves them and will address the matter in private, which she won't. At no point did she admit wrongdoing or extend an olive branch, she simply addressed what was said in the most political, inarguable way possible. It's the perfect statement.

You see, what Harry and Meghan fail to realize is that their grandmother has been around the block. She's been in charge for sixty-nine years and in that time has dealt with her fair share of controversy. Remember the "hidden cousins" scandal? Didn't think so, but you can read about it here. Or how about when she turned a blind eye to her son (Charles) openly cheating on his wife (Diana)? Or more recently when her other son (Prince Andrew) was yucking it up with Jeffrey Epstein and a bunch of underaged girls on Little Saint James? Exactly. What I'm trying to say is that Queen Elizabeth knows how to weather the storm and that's exactly what she's doing here. In other words…






The Queen has spoken. Game, set, match. Have a nice night. 

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