A Blue Checkmark Has Requested Everyone Stop Calling It "The Dance". It's The NCAA Tournament.


It is about time someone said it. This drives me absolutely berserk. This should be the second year in a row that The Dance gets cancelled. And this time it should be for good. I know that people call underdogs that make it far in the tournament a "Cinderella", but show me one time where this has ANYTHING to do with dancing.

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Giphy Images.
Giphy Images.
Giphy Images.

And while we're at it, let's toss March Madness out the window as well. The Final Four goes into early April and quite honestly it's disrespectful to the Gregorian calendar to pretend like the entire tournament is jam packed into one single month. 

Thank you Tom Withers for being brave enough to spearhead this campaign.

I'm hoping this works (but judging by the replies, it won't) and people start referring to this event by its rightful name: The National Collegiate Athletic Associated Men's and Women's Basketball Tournament. Anything else is unprofessional.

But once we win this battle, the war is not over. We've still got some VERY big fish to fry in the nickname world. The Fall Classic (World Series), The Show (Major League Baseball), and The Grand Daddy of Them All (Rose Bowl) all piss me off as well. 

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