Wild Video Of A Dude's Heart Beating Literally Out Of His Chest After Getting Kicked In The Nuts By A Stranger

This is one of those videos where I genuinely have no idea what's going on. Like this guy got kicked in the nuts so hard he had a heart attack? Maybe? Is his heart beating like that because he's on meth? Where was this taking place? Part of me feels like only place it could've happened is in Vegas. People like this...

typically don't wander the streets of suburban America. Regardless, how that man's heart was able to go from flat... 

to the size of a basketball in under one second is beyond me.

It's a hell of a party trick but still, if I were him I'd try and get that under control stat. Then again, something tells me "health" is not at the top of that guy's priority list. Oh well. To each their own. Those kids should feel lucky the guy didn't keel over after they kicked him. 

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