Mayor Lightfoot Drops The Most Foul Obscenity You'll Ever Hear On A Hot Mic

(Chicago Tribune)

A hot mic captured Mayor Lori Lightfoot muttering an f-bomb during Wednesday’s City Council meeting.

As Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, 33rd, was finishing her remarks about Black History Month, Lightfoot could be heard saying, “you got to be f------ kidding me.” The mayor could be seen covering her mouth while speaking.

Oh. My. God. Can you BELIEVE our Mayor would say such a disgusting word? Who in the heck does she think she is? Doesn't she know she represents all of us Chicagoans? Or that she runs a fricken city!!!! Pardon my French, but this really chaps my ass. Typically I wouldn't use an obscenity like ass, but I'm a lowly internet blogger. Not the mayor of the 3rd biggest city in the union.


Obviously kidding. One sec…. yep… just about there…. yup we're good.


That felt better. There is nothing better at all then swearing. Swear words make you sound cool, tough and badass. That's just the truth. There really are no better descriptors than swear words. For instance, "Carl is a huge cunt". Boom. Just described him in the worst way imaginable. If I just said, "Carl is a big meany" then you wouldn't know the extent of his meanness. With the word "cunt" you do. That's just how it goes. Swearing is awesome and that's just a fact.

Real talk though - the fact that there was a whole article in our city's most widely distributed and "reputable" newspaper on our mayor saying "fuck" makes me want to punch someone in the face. Probably Carl, though in this instance it'd be no fault of his own. It truly is amazing that people dedicated time and resources to an article on Mayor Lightfoot swearing when she thought she was off camera. I mean… if the article bashed her for not assuming there's ALWAYS someone watching her and looking to nitpick her every move and word, then fine. But it's not. It's just that she swore.

WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK??? Jesus Christ, stop making issues where issues are non-existent, you fucking twats. Nobody actually cares about this. Focus on her policy. The fact that she swears makes me like her a little more. You can't trust someone who doesn't swear, and I love that she didn't apologize for using the word too:

Lightfoot later reached out to her and said she was reacting to something her staff brought to her attention, Sanchez said.

At a news conference later, Lightfoot said, “Sorry to disappoint the Twitter trolls, but my comment had nothing to do with anything that was actually going on at City Council.”

Good on her. Don't succumb to the outrage mob's demands. They're all terrorists and right or left, Americans don't negotiate with terrorists. 

PS - twat is sneaky my favorite swear word. After cunt. And cocksucker. And fuck. All home run words

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