Russian Girl Becomes Insta-Famous After Someone On Clubhouse Claims She's Vladimir Putin's Secret Daughter

Source - A Russian college student who was outed by the media as President Vladimir Putin’s “secret daughter” says she’s loving the “limelight” after being named his alleged love child.

Luiza Rozova, also known as Elizaveta Krivonogikh, discussed her newfound status on the social media platform Clubhouse.

BBC journalist Andrey Zakharov, who broke the story about the 17-year-old for Russian news outlet Proekt.Media, asked if she’s Putin’s daughter, but she ignored the question, according to the Sun.

Rozova’s mother, Svetlana Krivonogikh, 45, has been rumored to have been Putin’s lover in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Krivonogikh has not addressed the claims. After news of the alleged love child broke, Putin’s spokesman said the claims were “not very convincing,” the Sun reported.

First of all, I don't want to get us sued/me murdered by the KGB...but that is 100% Putin's daughter. Here's Vlad...

WPA Pool. Getty Images.

Here's Luiza…

The resemblance is uncanny. Whether or not the claims are true has yet to be seen, but something tells me they are. She never denied them and seems to be leaning into her newfound fame…

“Have I caused you a bad trauma by my investigation?” Zakharov then asked the teen.

“Oh no, not at all. My life was so stagnant, I am very grateful for the chance to be in the limelight, that people heard about my account,” Rozova replied, referring to her Instagram account, which gained 96,400 followers after reports that she’s Putin’s daughter surfaced.

“I’m not trying and never have to popularize myself,” the teen added. “I am feeling very well indeed, don’t worry about me. My life goes on, and all is well.”

Ninety thousand followers in a week isn't too bad either. A small price to pay for possibly making an enemy out of one of the most diabolical dictators in the history of Russia. That said, I wonder if she'll post new more content now that's famous because the stuff she has up now STINKS. Look at this crap…

I've seen more face on the homepage of Grindr. Oh well. I doubt we'll ever find out if she's actually Vlad's daughter but I like to belive she is. And they found her on Clubhouse of all places. What a world. Best of luck Luiza! You're going to need it. 

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