Matt James Got Rid of SEVEN Women Last Night On The Bachelor

Rough night for Bachelor Nation last night. A tale as old as time, what happens when it comes closer to the end of the season, there's a mad dash to whittle the girls down to four before the Hometowns episode (which is next week.) We started the episode off with TEN, and had the last minute addition of Heather Martin (for about 16 minutes total.)

After being pummeled into the ground by the other girls, Heather was sent home. The domino effect begins - down goes Chelsea, Serena C, Abigail, Kit, Jessenia and finally Pieper. Most within the last HOUR!!! A true bloodbath televised to the masses. 

Now we have our final four for Hometowns - Bri, Michelle, Serena P and Rachael. It should be very interesting.

Here's last night's episode of #CuttingStems, where we really get into it all.

And here are all the girls he sent home. They're single!!



Serena C





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