A Wife Got Her Husband The Perfect Valentine's Day Gift: A Collection Of Other Girls' Pictures He Liked On Instagram

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Now isn't that the most romantic thing you've ever seen? While most of us thoughtless chumps bought flowers, candy, and a card from the local pharmacy, this queen gave her king a gift he will never forget. Don't get me wrong, some nice roses and delectable chocolates can warm anybody's heart/genitals. But when somebody gives you a homemade gift that clearly took them time, that's when you feel warm and fuzzy all over. I'm not even talking the arts and crafts portion of this masterpiece that would have taken me years to make it look like a 2-year-old didn't wrap it. But being able to track down all those Instagram pictures is downright impressive. I don't even know how to look up my Likes on Instagram let alone somebody else's. But this lovely young lady was determined to give her man a beautiful gift he would definitely like since IG hearts don't lie.

I hope all the happy couples out there had a delightful V-Day and for anyone who didn't, don't fret because February only gets better after the 14th because the discounts on Valentine's candy goes up with the dates right until the Easter candy wipes it off the shelves.

Sidenote: Don't be a hero and wait for the 75% off candy to get knocked down to 90% off. Take your savings when you can because the only thing that will probably make it that far is the chalky candy hearts. And it goes without saying, but get your Reese's when you can because those are always the first things to fly off the shelves, discounted or not.

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