Spotlight, The Movie About The Globe's Investigation Into The Catholic Church Scandal, Looks Awesome






It’s all Deflategate all day today. Twists here, turns there, leaks about this, and spin about that. Goodell threw his punch yesterday and the Brady, Belichick, Kraft threesome countered with there haymakers today. Tons and tons of Deflategate talk. But, in case you need a little break from it (as I do, I’ve read and listened to roughly a million takes today. 90% of them made me want to break my laptop) here’s the trailer for the new movie Spotlight, all about the Globe all but singlehandedly taking down the Catholic Church. If I had to base a grade for this on the trailer then I’d give it like a 9. Absolutely insane and disgusting story that looks like it’s getting the movie it deserves.



Update: I wrote this blog yesterday but Pres just scheduled it for today, sooooo most of that doesn’t make any sense. New blog time!



This movie looks really good. Priests raping kids, on the other hand, is really bad.



The end.

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