This Stripper Absolutely WORKING A Thirty Foot Pole Is The Most Athletic Person On Earth






Good-ness gracious. I don't know who this lady is, but I've never seen a more impressive display of upper body strength in my life. Five flips in thirty seconds and she didn't even break a sweat. I've said it before and I'll say it again, strippers are some of the most athletic people on earth. No regular person can hold themself up for that long and these ladies are doing it with no hands...

When the bright lights come on, they rise to the occasion. That's not to say they're all good because they're not…but when a stripper takes pride in her craft like this lady? Forget about it. The craziest part it how flexible they are. Back breaking acrobatics? Sure. Full split at 1000mph? Why not…

There's nothing this woman can't do. If I had one tenth of her athletic ability I'd be in the NFL. Hopefully whoever this is was able to make enough money to support herself for a while. Chances are she did. Well done. 

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