People Who Drink Make More Money - Daily Mail
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Listen science is bullshit. Studies are worthless. We all know that. But there is one irrefutable truth and that is that drinking is the most important thing on earth. And those who drink the best – meaning the most or in the most places or different types of alcohol and with all sorts of people – are going to be the most well adjusted, socially capable people. And so of course they are going to make more money. People will like them more. Trust them more. As long as you keep it in check, drinking is the number 1 most important trait in successful people.
We also got the dude who complains that bald people are vilified, Deez Nuts officially files to run for President, fugitive gets caught after appearing, and a Real Or Fake involving a pig and an Alabama Walmart.
Make sure you check out yesterdays on the iTunes feed as well. I dunno why but I just feel like that was the best episode in a while.