Do Not Mess With Donald Trump's Lawyer, Threatens To Sue The Daily Beast Into The Stone Age

(Source) Ivana Trump once accused the real-estate tycoon of ‘rape,’ although she later clarified: not in the ‘criminal sense.’ Donald Trump introduced his presidential campaign to the world with a slur against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of being “rapists” and bringing crime into the country. “I mean somebody’s doing it!… Who’s doing the raping?” Donald Trump said, when asked to defend his characterization.
It was an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trump—in more ways than one. Not only does the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used “rape” to describe an incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt “violated” by the experience.
Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, “You’re talking about the frontrunner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as a private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.” “It is true,” Cohen added. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene.
After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried. What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants. “Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”“It’s not the word that you’re trying to make it into,” Cohen told
The Daily Beast, saying Ivana Trump was talking about how “she felt raped emotionally… She was not referring to it [as] a criminal matter, and not in its literal sense, though there’s many literal senses to the word.” Cohen added that there is no such thing, legally, as a man raping his wife. “You cannot rape your spouse,” he said. “There’s very clear case law.” Trump’s lawyer then changed tactics, lobbing insults and threatening a lawsuit if a story was published. “I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?” “You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up… for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet… you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.When Lost Tycoon was about to be printed, Donald Trump and his lawyers provided a statement from Ivana, which was posted on the first page of the book. In it, Ivana confirms that she had “felt violated” and that she had stated that her husband had raped her during a divorce deposition. But Ivana sought to soften her earlier statement.“During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.” 


I have a confession. I am a total wimp when it comes to tough lawyer talk. Talk shit on twitter, fine, talk shit in person, ok, talk shit in a letter from a lawyer and I am running for the hills. I don’t know why but any time a lawyer starts talking about the law I immediately freak out. Lawyers are the worst and pissed off lawyers are the worst of the worst. Even if I’m not doing something illegal I feel like I’m always doing something illegal, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but I feel like everyone agrees. So when Donald Trump’s lawyer says shit like


“tread fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting”


I get scared. I’m not even involved and I’m worried. And that right there is probably the best part about being rich. Being able to hire a lawyer to basically bully the world and people like me into submission. I didn’t even put Donald Trump and rape in the same sentence and I’m tapping out like this guy has me in an arm bar. No thanks man, lawyers are overachieving assholes who read a lot of words and understand things I could never comprehend, last people on earth I want to fuck with. Just going to mind my own business, stand in the corner, and sell my “Make America Great Again” hats.




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