Ukraine Has Declared War On My Boy Gerard Depardieu


Anyone who’s followed me since day 1 knows I’m a huge Gerard Depardieu guy. HUGE. I just do the ‘Dieu. Whether it was his role in My Father, The Hero or the time Putin signed him in International Free Agency. Maybe its because he drinks 14 bottles of wine a day. Perhaps its that he’ll piss on a plane right on the aisle if and when he pleases. Watch this video and listen to John Oliver sum up the beauty of Depardieu with such eloquence it will bring a tear to your eye.

He’s one of those names that just brings me an insane amount of joy any time I ever hear his name. Which is why its almost insane to declare him persona non grata. Thats like declaring Santa Claus unwelcome. Its like hating puppies and pizza. How could you specifically declare Depardieu unwelcome? If I could welcome Gerard into my home right now I would. Me, my baby mama, child on the way, Duncan, and the Dieu. We’ll drink cases of wine all day.

Your loss, Ukraine. You fucking idiots. Declare war on Depardieu and Vladamir Putin – see how well that works out for you.

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